1 下载sqlite3.exe
2 命令行cmd,进入到sqlite3.exe目录
3 >sqlite3.exe database.db 来打开sqlite数据库。
4 基本语法:
>.help 查找帮助
sqlite> .help.backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default "main") to FILE.bail ON|OFF Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF.databases List names and files of attached databases.dump ?TABLE? ... Dump the database in an SQL text format.echo ON|OFF Turn command echo on or off.exit Exit this program.explain ON|OFF Turn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off..genfkey ?OPTIONS? Options are: --no-drop: Do not drop old fkey triggers. --ignore-errors: Ignore tables with fkey errors --exec: Execute generated SQL immediately See file tool/genfkey.README in the source distribution for further information..header(s) ON|OFF Turn display of headers on or off.help Show this message.import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE.indices TABLE Show names of all indices on TABLE.iotrace FILE Enable I/O diagnostic logging to FILE.load FILE ?ENTRY? Load an extension library.mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output mode where MODE is one of: csv Comma-separated values column Left-aligned columns. (See .width) html HTML